Everything DiSC Sales Profile
Everything DiSC Sales shows salespeople how to connect better with their customers.
Uses: Sales, learn how to read the styles of your customers, adapt your style to connect better—and close more sales.
- Understanding your DiSC sales style
- Recognize and understand customer buying styles
- Adapt your sales style to your customer
This profile focuses on equipping sales people with the skills to connect better with their customers. They learn to communicate with increased impact and improve their sales relationships. By doing so they improve their chances to close sales.
Everything DiSC Sales - salespeople now connect better with their customers.
Uses: sales, professional development, sales management.
Everything DiSC Sales is part of the Everything DiSC profiles series and focuses on equipping sales people with the skills to connect better with their customers. They learn to communicate with increased impact and improve their sales relationships.
In-depth view
Everything DiSC Sales is a research-validated online profile assessment and a sales-specific 23-page report, which helps salespeople understand:
- Themselves
- Their customers
- Their relationships
Easy to customize
You can remove or rearrange pages, customize the profile title, or print selected sections.
The profile may be used on its own or with the companion facilitation kit (sold separately).
Everything DiSC sales follow-up activities:
Salespeople often have many customers in their portfolio. In order to support them in improving their relationships with individual customers, Everything DiSC Sales comes with a follow-up website, which enables salespeople to take free Customer Interaction Maps for each customer and to manage their maps.
Additional Tools
Several tools are available to push implementation and learning transfer one step further.
Everything DiSC Sales Customer Interaction Maps:
The perfect personalized cheat sheets to prepare for sales calls! These one-page follow-up reports help salespeople adapt their style to meet the needs of a customer by comparing their selling style to the customer’s buying style. You get unlimited access—at no additional charge.
Everything DiSC Supplement for Facilitators:
Provides more detailed data about an Everything DiSC assessment and helps facilitate a richer discussion about a respondent’s DiSC style, including unexpected items. Unlimited access with all Everything DiSC profiles, excluding Everything DiSC 363® for Leaders.
Everything DiSC Team View:
Provides an at-a-glance view of any group of respondents and their individual Everything DiSC maps. No limit to the number of respondents included in the report. Unlimited access with all Everything DiSC profiles.
Everything DiSC Comparison Report:
Build better relationships and make training stick! These 10-page research-validated follow-up reports can be created for any two participants to illustrate their similarities and differences.
Everything DiSC Facilitator Report:
Provides a composite of your group’s DiSC styles and information on how DiSC styles can impact your organization’s culture. Includes the names and styles of each participant. Sold separately.
Everything DiSC Group Culture Report:
Helps you determine the group’s DiSC culture, explore its advantages and disadvantages, discuss its effect on group members, and examine its influence on decision making and risk taking. Sold separately.
Additional information
Category | Profiles & Assessments |
My job / role | Coach, DiSC Facilitator, HR Professional or Manager, Team Manager |
Product Family | Everything DiSC |
Language | English, German |
My objective | Boost Sales |
Advantages of Everything DISC
Improve self-awareness.
Constructive change begins with self-knowledge. With a DiSC profile you know better how you react to disagreements, what motivates or stresses you, and how you solve challenges.
Improve team spirit.
In the modern working world, it is within teams that things get done. With a DiSC profile you learn how to better communicate and understand each other in a team
Positivize disputes.
With DiSC profiles, the dispute can be transformed into a positive and productive exercise that helps business move forward with momentum.
Develop stronger sales skills.
With a DiSC profile you improve your sales effectiveness. Understanding and adapting to your customers’ styles is essential to making connections work on a human level.
Manage more effectively.
A leader naturally becomes more effective when he or she understands the preferred work styles and dispositions of team members.
Facilitate, train or accompany without judging.
No one likes to be judged. DiSC profiles level the playing field by giving stakeholders and participants the non-judgmental information they need to learn more effectively.
the customers we work with…