Blog : a blog about disc and five behaviors

DiSC Profile Questionnaire

DiSC Profile Questionnaire

People often wonder what the DiSC questionnaire or survey looks like. Here are some examples. How it used to be : DiSC Profile questionnaires The questions from the DiSC Classic Assessment were quiet different from what you can see nowadays. There were 28 boxes...

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Test DiSC: Labelling and Pigeonholing

Test DiSC: Labelling and Pigeonholing

Do you know what DiSC labelling is about? How do you react on feedback in a discussion about DiSC? Have you received mixed feedback while debriefing someone on their DiSC profile too? Furthermore, have you been accused of labelling people? How would you deal with...

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DiSC Testing: computerized adaptive testing

DiSC Testing: computerized adaptive testing

Computerised adaptive testing (CAT) has been introduced to the DiSC assessments. Many people might not even notice, but this responsive testing technique means greater accuracy and an even more personalized profile. DiSC testing: what is adaptive testing? This form of...

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