As you are well aware of, the actual situation commends us to move much of our activity online, nobody really knows how much time that will last, if the change is for good or if things will eventually get back to what they were. For those active in small business, with no corporate IT team to call or needing to do things by themselves, it might be a steep learning curve to shift parts of your business online short term.
About going online
We are not the absolute experts in online marketing, others are better at it, so I will avoid the phony advice. Practically, we have ourselves been struggling for some time with online marketing and sales, we had to learn. Through trial and error, we ended adopting habits that seem to work. We also took on board some trusted tools, WordPress for our website, Thrive Themes and some practical how-to instructions, that we shamelessly copied from the valuable advice, given by their founder, Shane Melaugh.
What’s the reason for me telling this? In the middle of the COVID19 confinement measures, bringing your business online is a must and inevitable trend. It’s not our area of expertise.
Shane and Thrive Themes have helped us making progress during the last two years. Their advice aims (small) entrepreneurs, it is nevertheless valuable for all. Bringing your business online is useful for facilitators and coaches (our two main audiences, with Corporate HR) , corporate HR is mostly already equipped. This links directly to our business, which is to supply tools and experience to HR facilitators, who help their audience implement healthy behavioral habits (impacting people skills, team alignment and working culture) for better performance.
Keeping focus
Business achievement requires focus (avoiding omnipresent distractions), installing and keeping effective behavioral habits and some practical tools (in other words, tasks, tools and processes, suggested by the priority management methodology).
Focus and engagement, the buzzwords for business success, are harder to make happen when at home “staring at your four walls. The recipe for success now and for later : persistence, continuous learning, no matter whether you are an entrepreneur, working in a small business or a corporate environment. This is a business we know more about and can share with confidence because we know it works. Just like using Thrive Themes for your WordPress Website, we suggest using DiSC in order to install a culture of workplace effectiveness and equip individuals with people, team, and selling skills for sound collaboration.
Sustaining engagement and nurturing relations
We cannot emphasise enough the force of a healthy team culture and spirit, and individual habit building this requires. Let me provide you with some tools and tactics that will help you staying focused, gain engagement around you, and increase your chances of endorsement from prospects and customers.
DiSC is an assessment, provides a personalised report and a serie of tools and tactics you can use to become more effective with others.
Gain self awareness
As many of you know by now, Everything DiSC is a personal development learning experience that measures an individual’s preferences and tendencies based on the DiSC® model. By taking a DiSC assessment you receive personalised insights that deepen understanding of self and others. I have experienced numerous executive coachings, team workshops and team building initiatives (talking about what really matters, not climbing trees) where we witness how little self-awareness some people have, and how little they realise what the impact of their behavior has on others.
Any of the DiSC profile reports or Five Behaviors reports has at least three sections, that many omit to read, they provide you with very useful insights on how to interact with others, who are potentially different from you and what may appeal to a person who has a different style or what might cause them stress.
Ask for feedback, share common language using DiSC
Another behavior I find astonishing, is that many people simply do not ask for feedback, such as “how do you perceive my behavior”, or “what does this mean to you”? Interactive and relationship skills are mostly depending on feedback in a workplace environment where we decide faster and listen less, especially when it comes to active listening or empathetic listening. This might sound like obvious, but I do encourage you to try.
Use the My Everything DiSC companion website
The myeverythingdisc companion website offers more learning content, including:
- practical advice specific to your style preference, info about your style
- compare you preferred style to the style of any other respondent by generating a comparison report
- a podcast explaining the psychological tenants of your preferred style
- more info about the disc theory and and research
The website can be used on the road, with your mobile and on your bigger office screen, or at home. The access is free for any respondent to any Everything DiSC profile.
Bottom Line: people skills and focus
Success is all about skills, continuous learning, taking nothing for granted, and securing focus in executing the plan. disc partners supports teams, individuals, managers, sales and leaders mastering the people skills that enable things getting done. To improve your execution skills, people skills is one aspect, marketing skills, selling skills and most important experience.
Despite the circumstances, experience is what we can offer in adopting more effective behavioral habits, we can do that online and we can help you gain impact with others, keeping focus on what’s important.
Keep focus, stay engaged
It challenging to stay on top of the business even more when things get hectic, so keep on learning and adapt : our job is to help you.