Do you know what DiSC labelling is about? How do you react on feedback in a discussion about DiSC?
Have you received mixed feedback while debriefing someone on their DiSC profile too? Furthermore, have you been accused of labelling people?
How would you deal with those challenges ? How can you effectively deal with concerns when using DiSC ?
Test DiSC: a few facts
For starters, there’s no judgement involved with DiSC. Many individuals feel other label them with DiSC Styles or typical behaviors.
Yes, someone might give you a label as a high S or a Di, but there is no value judgement in that label.
Furthermore, no secrets will be revealed. The DiSC assessment was created to reflect observable behaviors. Nobody will talk about your past. There are no moral choices involved, or any mental health evaluation. DiSC helps people understand themselves and others. It remains in the range of normal human behavior.
Most noteworthy, research and validation of DiSC is thorough. Several people in your target audience have taken a personality assessment in the past? Did they use a poor version of a legitimate assessment ? Everything DiSC assessments are accurate and use Computer Adaptive Technology. They are thoroughly researched and validated.
It seems like you won’t lose your job. While people are afraid of how others might use their profile, proactive behavior pays off, hence, reassure them, explain the assessment and profile report, offer better self understanding. Exclude any recommendations (i.e. hiring, promotion, or retention) based on the profile. Even if you would do that, DiSC would be only one point of data in your decision. People’s career isn’t depending on how they respond to the assessment questions.
Sometimes people get worried about potential perceptions being one way in all circumstances. Everything DiSC reports use a dot within a circle map. This shows that everyone exhibits traits of all four major styles. The new adaptive testing method makes it easier to discover your preferred style. Preferred style never means exclusive. For example, the Everything DiSC Sales profile helps a salesperson adapting. By doing this, s/he complements or matches the style of the buyer.
Provide a sample DiSC profile to review
Provide links to the research
Few participants will read the research, however knowing it exists should improve their confidence, given they can relate to it any time.
Share your own DiSC profile
Finally, introduce participants to your style. Explain how that knowledge could help them in their interactions with you. A few examples are enough, such as “I have a preference for the C style, so I value stability and accuracy. If I worked for you, you might need to help me make decisions more quickly.”
In conclusion, consider consulting this overview of styles.
More details about the styles and how to use them will be presented during your training session.